Ashen Victor, known in Japan as Haisha (灰者), is a futuristic manga by Yukito Kishiro, taking place in the same universe as his Battle Angel Alita series, specifically in the Scrapyard. The story takes place before the events of Battle Angel Alita and revolves around Snev, a motorballer nicknamed the "Crash King" due to the way his races usually end. Despite his dismal racing record, Snev impressed those who watched him by performing exceptionally during his tryouts. However, motorball is moving in a more violent direction driven by the bloodlust of the audience. This trend towards an increasing desire for violence on the part of the spectators is also reflected in the results of a viewer poll conducted by the owner of Team Spandau, which finds that their monitor viewers prefer to experience a crash rather than an actual motorball victory. The use of performance-enhancing drugs is also becoming an accepted practice, as is shown in Dragunov's endorsement of the nervous system accelerant "Accel" and its rising popularity.